A tripped circuit breaker is a common issue that can occur in any home or building with an electrical system. A circuit breaker is a safety device that is designed to automatically trip (or turn off) when it detects an excessive amount of electrical current flowing through the circuit. This is a safety feature that helps prevent electrical fires and other dangerous situations.
However, sometimes a circuit breaker will trip and will not reset, even after the issue that caused it to trip has been addressed. In these cases, it is important to diagnose and address the problem as soon as possible to prevent potential electrical fires or other dangerous situations.
In this blog post, we will discuss what to do if a tripped circuit breaker will not reset, including some common causes of this issue and steps for diagnosing and addressing the problem.
One common cause of a tripped circuit breaker that will not reset is a faulty circuit breaker. Circuit breakers are designed to withstand a certain amount of heat and electrical current, but if they are overloaded or otherwise damaged, they can become overheated and malfunction. If a circuit breaker is visibly damaged or has been overheated, it may be faulty and should be replaced.
Another common cause of a tripped circuit breaker that will not reset is a problem with the electrical circuit that the circuit breaker is protecting. If the electrical circuit is overloaded or otherwise compromised, it can cause the circuit breaker to trip and not reset. In these cases, it may be necessary to repair! Always consult with a licensed electrician if you are unsure of how to diagnose or replace a circuit breaker, as working with electrical systems can be dangerous if not done properly.
Comment (1)
It helped when you mentioned that a faulty circuit breaker won’t reset on its own. My friend told me that their circuit breaker is acting up. I should advise him to look for an electrical supply distributor that provides quality products.